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"Uplifting music for the soul," is how Elkiko's Way describes his music. Aptly titled 'Deus ex Machina', Elkiko is the guy you'll take to have gone thru some nice nasty fixes. Tight and quick, El spins a sonic yarn so groovin', you'll sleigh ride your filthy-rich ass home to Rio de Em-em.
And so it was that Elkiko stumbled upon Triad Records in his day job at the prestigious People Support University. Full-fledged student of life, making music with laudable wit. From the local flick starrer to the Celebrity Deathmatch of NIN and the Motherman and conflict resolution imperatives, El just might signal the 'test of the emergency broadcast system'. And that's just some Descartes goin down track2.
Just when you thought the party's over, synapses retransmit and pupils dilate to the mercy of white light and Elkiko's Way.
Max Cordero
CEO, Triad Records
01. Tony Falcon 2010
02. Des Kartes
03. Trent Reznor meets the Motherman
04. Los Hunyangos
05. Sarsuela de Kamao
06. Day Job
07. Chilled Negra
08. Downtime
09. The Yearning & the Toil
(Bonus Remixed Tracks)
10. Des Kartes (El $leeper's Way)
11. Trent Reznor meets the Motherman (El Bums' Way)
All Songs written and produced by EKW, except track 11, remix and additional
instruments by Light$leep3r, and trk. 12, remix and additional instruments by
The Roadside Bums
All tracks remastered by The Roadside Bums for StickySweetSounds.
Now here's what the man (nee el kiko) has to say....

Deus Ex Machina - god from the machine
1. In Greek and Roman drama, a god lowered by stage machinery to resolve a plot or extricate the protagonist from a difficult situation.
2. An unexpected, artificial, or improbable character, device, or event introduced suddenly in a work of fiction or drama to resolve a situation or untangle a plot.
And just what somebody needs out of nihilism....
1. Tony Falcon 2010 - Agent X44 Tony Ferrer - Saw the actor in Podium around 2004 all dressed in stunning white like a frustrated Elvis impersonator with matching goggles and sideburns. For some reason, I started hearing bongo drums and old Santana music all over (reminiscent of the background music of fight scenes of the action movies of the late 60s' and early 70s') and imagined him doing his famous Karate Chops in a satire setting. He really presented himself to me as a theme without him knowing at that moment. Later, round 2007, agent X44 came into revival....Hmmmm....did my thoughts come into being? Not exactly dejavu but something to that effect...
2. Des Kartes - As a Rene Descartes fanatic would philosophically say, "cogito ergo sum" or "I think therefore I am". And so i thought.....
3. Trent Reznor meets the Motherman - This is what you come up with after listening to NIN's old "Pretty Hate Machine" cd and reading about Math's "Chaos Theory" - They just don't mix!!! But after 2 bottles of Red Horse, 1 Pale Pilsen and a half pack of Winston Lights,....It did!!!!
4. Los Hunyangos - This song was made In loving memory of the politicians who seem to know everything, do everything and say everything except the right thing. May they soon rest in peace.
5. SDK de UFC - grooves depicted from the images you see in a UFC bout. Bloody, jagged and brutal, but at the same time graceful and systemic. Strangely, I like watching these bouts while playing Dream Theater, Yes, Rush or some other progressive rock band. Both seem to place chaos in proper order.
6. Day Job - An inspiring tune about daily routine. For whoever likes routine and those who get bored of it as well.
7. Chilled Negra - Para mi cerveza preferida!
8. Downtime - Call Center's Bliss
9. The yearning and the toil - A depiction of one's aspirations amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. How do you strike the balance between an infinite imagination and a limited reality? Hows that for a dilemma?
Special Thanks to:
1. The vendors of pirated software
2. SSS records
2. Max - for digging this out of the crypt
3. El $leep3r and The Bums for their remixes
4. FoodShelterAndClothing, Giz and Ian -probably my very first patrons