Download the Double Pack

01. FoodShelterAndClothing
02. The Funhouse Trio
03. Happyboy
04. Moaner Lisa
05. Utnapishtim
words and music by fsandc. produced and remastered by the Roadside Bums

01. On Speed
02. Shutdown Mix
03. Restart 9 Version
original version appears on Name Are For Tombstones
Restart 9 Remix album (2009)
words and music by NAFT
This version, contains music and additional words (vocals) by foodshelterandclothing
and fuckthefuckingfuckers. all tracks remastered by The Roadside Bums
fsandc would like to thank all the artists who lent their talents to this project.
to Happyboy, thanks for for inviting us to join yer "party" without whom, HATE would not have been born:-)lookin forward to work with you again. and to Noel (NAFT), again thanks for the opportunity you've given us to mess around with yer beloved track:-) its one helluva thrill ride m8, and yes we're lookin fwd to another round.
and of course to all our pals and supporters, y'all know how much we love you. thanks for always being there. to the haters, fuck y'all and yer families too! LOL
remember this is just the beginning of 2010, and y'all know this only means we got 11 more months to fuck things up! woohoo!
Read the liner notes
HEREFoodShelterAndClothing Discography